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GILARDONI – leading Italian manufacturer

GILARDONI – leading Italian manufacturer

GILARDONI – leading Italian manufacturer
The Italian company GILARDONI was founded in 1947 by Dr. engineer Arturo Gilardoniti. Today, GILARDONI is one of the world’s leading and only Italian company developing and producing X-ray and ultrasound equipment in the field of security systems, medical equipment and non-destructive testing (NDT) devices.

GILARDONI – leading Italian manufacturer

The company’s research laboratories are recognized as highly qualified by a special ministerial decree of Italy. Both in the domestic and international markets, Gilardoni focuses on the excellence of its products and the reliable support of its customers.

Relying on a scientific industry based on research and development, GILARDONI has achieved a leading position in the industry. With experienced engineers, physicists and chemists, GILARDONI covers the entire spectrum of research from basic development to the integration of complex systems. GILARDONI’s close collaboration with the most prestigious universities in Italy and around the world, as well as regular participation in specialized international conferences, guarantees the manufacturer’s technicians access to the latest technologies.

Since its founding in 1947, GILARDONI has given priority to research and development. The company has always been a technological benchmark and staff training is crucial for its continuous development. The emphasis on training courses, both in-house and through other institutions, guarantees GILARDONI to remain a leader in Italian technology.

GILARDONI – leading Italian manufacturer

GILARDONI’s research center has grown and expanded as the company grows and diversifies. From the beginning in the medical sector, and today includes NDT and safety.

You can get acquainted with the assortment of GILARDONI production presented in Ukraine on our website.